The New York Cannabis Dispensary License is one of the most coveted cannabis licenses in the state. While these are not yet available to entrepreneurs in the cannabis space, it’s time to begin preparing your business plans.
The New York Cannabis License Application process is still a mystery, as it will require more input from the public and local government officials to finalize. We do know that the applications aren’t going to be available until the state determines what the process will entail.
This delay is significant, and as we wait on New York lawmakers, it’s important to prepare for this license’s availability. So, in this post, we explain all we know about the New York Dispensary License.
Looking to open a dispensary? Learn how to open a dispensary in New York now.
When Will Dispensaries Open in New York?
The proposed Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) states that a New York Dispensary License will allow “the acquisition, possession, sale, and delivery of cannabis from the licensed premises of the retail dispensary by such licensee to cannabis consumers.”
With this being the case, if you plan to operate a cannabis retail operation that serves consumers, a NY Dispensary license is essential. This will be the first step in obtaining and maintaining compliance in New York’s legal cannabis marketplace.
However, at this point, we’re not sure when dispensaries will open in New York. But once we learn more, we’ll make sure to update this post!
New York Dispensary License Limitations
The proposed act in the retail dispensary license section states that no one is allowed to have a direct or indirect financial or controlling interest in more than three recreational retail dispensary licenses issued in the state of New York. But this isn’t the only limitation this license offers.
No one who holds one or more of these licenses is allowed to hold a recreational cultivation license. They are also not allowed to hold a processor, microbusiness, cooperative, or distributor license. These individuals also cannot be registered as a registered organization, unless the organization has been licensed with a registered organization adult-use cultivator license or an organization adult-use cultivator processor distributor retail dispensary license.
Furthermore, retail licenses will not be given for any premises. However, if the applicant owns or demonstrates possession of the premises within thirty days of obtaining approval for a license through a management agreement, lease, or other agreement that gives the applicant control over the property, in writing, for a term that meets or exceeds the license period, a retail license may be granted.
New York Dispensary License FAQ
As we wait on updates regarding the details of the New York Dispensary License, we’ve compiled some frequently asked questions to help answer all your cannabis licensing inquiries.
What does a New York Dispensary License cost in 2021?
While we’re still awaiting the license cost for a recreational dispensary license, we can base our thoughts on the cost for NY Medical Marijuana Dispensary License applicants. These applicants must submit a $10,000 non-refundable fee along with a refundable fee of $200,000. However, keep in mind, hemp retail and distributor permit fees aren’t as expensive.
When will dispensaries open in New York?
Dispensaries are currently open and operational in New York. Some of the dispensaries you can visit as a medical marijuana patient include Columbia Care Manhattan Dispensary, Etain Health, and Fp Wellness Dispensary NYC.
Any Questions We May Have Missed?
Do you have a question we missed? Feel free to contact us! We are here to help every step of the way. Whether you’re applying for a New York Cannabis License, starting an online cannabis business, or simply have questions about cannabis laws across the country, we have you covered.