What Is Provisional Cannabis Cultivation License?

January 4, 2023 Uncategorized

What is provisional cannabis cultivation license for and how will you benefit from having one?

What Is Provisional Cannabis Cultivation License?
What Is Provisional Cannabis Cultivation License?

The California Bureau of Cannabis Control issues provisional Cannabis Cultivation Licenses to temporary licensees who have applied for an annual license. This license allows qualified applicants to begin operating as commercial cannabis cultivators without waiting for the full annual license review process.

The provisional cannabis cultivation license is valid for 120 days or until the full annual license is issued. During the provisional license period, applicants must provide proof of compliance with all local and state cannabis laws and regulations before a final annual license can be granted. The licensee must also demonstrate financial stability, as well as financial solvency for the entire term of their provisional license.

Provisional cannabis cultivation licenses may be renewed up to three times, but each renewal period is limited to 90 days. The licensee must provide proof of continued compliance with all local and state laws and regulations to renew a provisional license. Furthermore, they must submit updated financial information regarding their solvency for their provisional license.

Unfortunately, this program is shut down for the time being as of June 30th, 2022, marking the end of an era.

Keep reading to learn more about cannabis licenses in California

CalCannabis License Types

The Bureau of Cannabis Control offers seven types of provisional cannabis cultivation licenses:

  • Specialty cottage
  • Specialty
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Nursery
  • Processor

For each type, the licensee must meet specific size requirements and pay a fee. The licensee must also be in compliance with all local and state laws and regulations.

Provisional cannabis cultivation licensees are required to adhere to strict security protocols and operating procedures, as well as comply with state laws regarding labeling, testing, packaging, transportation, record-keeping, inventory tracking, and safety.

Type N License California Cost

The type N license California Cost is given below:

Gross annual revenue Application fee License fee
Less than or equal to $100,000 (Tier I) $1000 $2000
$100,001 to $500,000 (Tier II) $1000 $7500
$500,001 to $1,500,000 (Tier III) $1000 $15,000
$1,500,001 to $3,000,000 (Tier IV) $1000 $25,000
$3,000,001 to $5,000,000 (Tier V) $1000 $35,000
$5,000,001 to $10,000,000 (Tier VI) $1000 $50,000
More than $10,000,000 (Tier VII) $1000 $75,000

Type 9 License California Info

The type 9 license is a non-storefront retailer (delivery only) license. The license permits the holder, a non-storefront retailer, to sell cannabis goods to customers only through delivery.

These operations can’t sell products in a store. Non-storefront retailers must also have the required local permits and comply with all state cannabis laws, regulations and guidelines.

Interested in learning more about the distribution end of the space? Learn how to get a distributor license in the cannabis field now.

Cannabis Cultivation License FAQ

How much does it cost to get a cultivation license in California?

The cost of obtaining a cannabis cultivation license in California can vary depending on the size and type of business. Generally, applicants must pay an application fee and may have to pay additional fees for temporary or annual licenses.

What are the requirements for a cannabis cultivation license in California?

To obtain a cannabis cultivation license in California, applicants must meet all local and state requirements, including providing proof of financial solvency and compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Applicants must maintain a temporary or annual license for the duration of their cannabis cultivation business.

What is a micro-cultivation license?

A micro-cultivation license is a permit’s issued by the state of California to cultivate cannabis on a smaller scale. Micro-cultivation licenses are typically granted to applicants who plan to cultivate less than 10,000 square feet of cannabis. Micro-cultivators must also meet all local and state requirements, including providing proof of financial solvency and compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

What are the benefits of obtaining a provisional cannabis?

A provisional cannabis license has several benefits, including the ability to engage in cannabis cultivation activities while awaiting final approval of an annual license. Provisional licenses are also a cost-effective way of entering the cannabis market in California, as they require less paperwork and are typically granted with lower fees than annual licenses.